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Âèíò âîçäóøíûé Graupner 9õ4
Âèíò âîçäóøíûé Graupner 9õ4
Âèíò âîçäóøíûé Graupner 9õ4
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Öåíà: 193.0
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Àðòèêóë: FC6626


ECO CAM PROP Luftschr. 23x10c Graupner 2941.23.10 A new range of propellers produced in glass fibre reinforced nylon from CNC-machined moulds. This low-cost range of propellers is moulded in a neutral colour, and therefore matches any model. Suitable for electric or glow-powered models. All propellers in this series feature an 8 mm O centre bore to suit electric motor propeller adaptors. Tubular spacers are available for use with OS glowplug motors. Excellent efficiency and broad working range. Specially calculated airfoil sections for each propeller, guaranteeing best possible aerodynamic efficiency. CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) guarantees close tolerances and maximum possible accuracy.

O / Pitch 23/10cm Zoll 9/4. Bore O 8mm.